Kicking the bucket – what does it mean?

Do you often hear expressions that you kind of understand from the context, but at the same time you don’t really understand them? I do. This is one of those expressions. I understand the words, and i know that “kicking the bucket” is not a good thing, but still … What does it mean to “kick the bucket”? Well, if you kick the bucket, you die.

Bucket List

The expression “kick the bucket” also has a related expression, a bucket list. If you know what “to kick the bucket” means, you have a shot at guessing the meaning of “bucket list”. A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you “kick the bucket” – so things you want to do before you die.

Many people have bucket lists. There are some things you dream of doing at a point in your life. Some people want to do extreme activities such as climb Mount Everest, go skydiving or run a marathon. Others have a list of places they want to visit like the pyramids in Egypt, safari in Africa, the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Grand Canyon in the USA. 

I have a bucket list. Some things I have been able to cross off my list, other things I am still waiting to do. One of the things I have been able to cross off, is trying to do stand up comedy. I have always though that being a stand up comedian looked like so much fun. So, a couple of years ago I enrolled in a stand up class and I learned some tricks by two professional stand-up comedians. Afterwards, I got to try my material on a couple of different stages. I even got to know some famous comedians. It was superfun, and a lot of hard work!

Something that is still on my bucket list is to go on a cruise in the Carribean with my family. I dream of the hot weather, the fancy food and drinking my morning coffee on my very own balcony. This dream is expensive, so I am not sure I can ever cross it off my list, but hey, maybe some day …

What do you have on your bucket list?

Below you can see the trailer of the film The Bucket List where to unlikely friends, played by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, try to work their way through their bucket lists.
